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Prof. Shambu Prasad is a Professor of Strategic Management and Social Sciences at IRMA. His expertise and research straddle several interdisciplinary fields such as science and technology studies, rural livelihoods, social entrepreneurship and innovations, sustainable agriculture and managing collectives enterprises.
Dr. C Shambu Prasad
Project Coordinator and Professor, IRMA

Abhishek Saxena is a Research Fellow in the project and also pursuing his doctoral research at IRMA. His wider interest lies in social entrepreneurship, grassroots innovations in agriculture, health and education domains, governance of people’s institutions, research and science communication and anthropological and participatory action research in health, food, and education. He loves traveling, photography, reading and cooking.
Abhishek Saxena
Research Fellow

Aneesh works as a Research Associate in the project. He is an India Fellow of the Cohort of 2020. He is a graduate in Biotechnology from Indraprastha University, Delhi. He is interested in developing intersectionality as a construct for society, with a focus on inclusive policy, sustainability and healthcare.
Aneesh Mohan

Ankit Kumar works as a Research Associate in Living Farms Income Project. He is a former Gandhi Fellow and also an MGNF from IIM Bangalore. Driven by a strong passion for public policy, particularly in the context of agrarian issues, He is looking towards the empowerment of farmers through collective action and value chain development. His primary focus is on supporting small and marginal farmers, with an emphasis on sustainable agriculture and fostering entrepreneurship at the local level.
Ankit Kumar
Research Associate
Research Associate

Asmita Chaudhari works as a Project Assistant in the Living Farm Incomes project and also pursuing her doctoral research on Tribal Entrepreneurship at Veer Narmad South Gujarat University, Surat. She holds a MBA degree specialized in Human Resource Management. She has over one year of experience as Human Resource Executive. Her interested areas are Research, Tribal Entrepreneurship and Administration.
Asmita Chaudhari
Programme Assistant

Sonal Chaudhary is working as a Communications Associate in the Living Farm Incomes project. She has completed her Masters in Journalism and Mass Communication and holds experience in research and teaching. She aspires to build here career in the social sector and contribute her bit for the greater good of the society. She enjoys travelling, photography and doodling.
Sonal Chaudhary
Communications Associate

Shubha Khadke is a Programme & Outreach Consultant. She is a development professional having more than 18 years of experience across strategic designing, implementing and strengthening various development programs on farm and non-farm based livelihoods. Her interest areas include rural livelihoods including promoting and developing women-centric community institutions, Bottom of Pyramid Enterprises focusing on agriculture and allied sub sectors.
Shubha Khadke
Programme and Outreach Consultant

Deborah Dutta is a Research and Documentation Consultant in the Living Farm Incomes project. Deborah Dutta holds a PhD from the Homi Bhabha Centre for Science Education, Tata Institute of Fundamental Research. She is deeply interested in the interplay between educational processes, sustainable practices and socio-technical systems. Her interests include blogging and drawing comics.
Deborah Dutta
Research and Documentation Consultant
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